With everyone finally settling into the semester, it’s time to get cracking with new ideas for our student paper. Some of these ideas include fun opinion columns centered on entertainment, or whatever students are passionate about sending in. There is tons of media floating about, and we’re dying to share opinions, as well as hear yours!
Not a writer? The Crier is speculating podcast ideas where students can get involved. On one hand, we are thinking of creating a podcast centered on students’ opinions of entertainment: whether that be movies, books, video games, or anything in between! Another concept is starting a Radio Drama on campus in short-podcast form, for anyone interested in the arts of writing, sound editing, and acting behind the microphone!
We are also formulating a possible advice column for students and even a recipe section! If you are interested in any of these ideas and want to get involved. please contact The Crier at thecriernewspaper@gmail.com, because we can’t bring some of these ideas into fruition without you!